AI Label Assistant

Streamline your email management with AI Label Assistant, the smart Gmail add-on designed to automatically categorize incoming emails based on their content. Experience a clutter-free inbox that not only saves you time but also enhances your productivity by focusing on what truly matters.

Get started for free

Effortless Integration with Gmail

Simply add the AI Label Assistant to your Gmail with just a few clicks. Once installed, it immediately begins to analyze and label new emails, sorting them into predefined categories such as Work, Personal, Spam, and Marketing.

Smart Email Categorization

Powered by advanced AI, our tool reads and understands the context of your incoming messages, ensuring that every email is sorted accurately. Say goodbye to manual sorting and enjoy an organized inbox where every email is right where you expect it to be.

Shield Against Spam and Unwanted Emails

AI Label Assistant automatically detects and labels spam and promotional emails, reducing distractions and protecting your focus. With refined filtering, important communications are prioritized, while less critical emails are kept out of the way.

Customizable Labeling Options

Tailor the AI to meet your specific needs by setting up custom labels. Whether you’re tracking project updates, client communications, or family emails, our AI can adapt to label emails according to your personal or professional requirements.

Getting Started with Klart AI Label Assistant

Click the "Get Started" button to download and install the AI Label Assistant to your Gmail account. After installation, you’ll find detailed instructions on how to customize settings and start transforming your email management experience.

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