Cookie Notice

Klart AI ("we," "us," or "our") utilizes cookies and similar tracking technologies (collectively, “Cookies”) to enhance your experience on our website and platforms (collectively, “Website & Platform”). These technologies are critical for tracking user interactions, improving functionalities, and managing user registrations effectively.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files stored on your device by your web browser. They enable websites to remember your actions and preferences over time, making subsequent visits more personalized and efficient.

How We Use Cookies

At Klart AI, we employ Cookies in the following ways:

  • Analytics Cookies: These Cookies help us understand how visitors interact with our Website & Platform, providing data on visits, usage patterns, and user engagement. This information helps us improve our services and user experience.
  • Registration Cookies: These Cookies are essential for determining if you are logged into our Platform. They manage session information and user access, ensuring you can interact with our services seamlessly during your visit.

Types of Cookies We Use

Cookie Type

Description Analytics: Google Analytics

Registration: Service-specific cookies for managing user sessions

Third-Party Cookies

Third-party services integrated into our Website & Platform may also use Cookies to track the performance of their offerings or customize their services. We do not control these Cookies, and they are not able to access the data in Cookies used by Klart AI.

Managing Cookies

You can control and manage your Cookie preferences via your browser settings. Here’s how you can access these settings in various browsers:

To opt out of third-party advertiser Cookies, visit:


For more details on our use of Cookies or our privacy practices, please visit our Privacy Policy or contact us at